The past year has spurred massive changes in the way we work. The shift to remote and hybrid workplaces accelerated the need for new digital tools and highlighted the importance of employee experience. Mobile workstations became essential, especially on the front lines. More than ever, companies need modern, cloud-based communication tools.

Fortunately, we had the technology that allowed companies to not only work in this new environment, but also to evolve. Microsoft Teams saw a 50% increase in daily users in just six months. Users were able to work anywhere and rely on the features and security offered. In a world where we speak to people all over the world in different languages, with different accents and nuances, voice quality is very important. We suddenly found ourselves having crystal clear conversations, and it took our communication to a new level. You can't get that quality with a desk phone.

But the new world of work also brought challenges. In terms of on-site solutions, last year companies paid for and maintained unused equipment that offered no business value because offices were closed or limited in capacity.

And when it comes to employee experience, things continue to look pretty bleak. A recent study shows that 40% of employees worldwide are considering leaving their employer this year; 54% feel overworked and 39% are exhausted. While workers who have been in the workforce longer may be a bit more resilient, Generation Z is seriously struggling at the other end of the spectrum. Technology is great, but it has its limitations when you consider the human factor. When offices reopen, employees need to provide a great experience.

Desktop phones are dead

As we adapt to new forms of work - remote, hybrid and mobile - we have discovered new ways to collaborate virtually. Will we ever pick up the phone again and call as a standard means of communication?

Previously, one of the challenges of modernizing communications systems was the significant cost associated with replacing old phones with Microsoft Teams. In addition, some employees would have fought tooth and nail to keep their desk phones instead of using a headset. These employees have spent the last year working from home, discovering the many benefits of using headsets while their old desk phone gathered dust in an unused office. These employees are potential converts to modernized desktops when they return to the office.

We advise our customers that now is the time to modernize their communications and move to Teams Voice. We need to replace desktop phones and legacy platforms before offices reopen. Once employees are back in the office and wiping the dust off their old phones, you're back to the same problem you had before. It's time to start planning now if you want to move forward and operate as a truly agile, modern company.

We just saw a global customer move to just 300 physical handsets. That's 300 handsets for common areas in 60 offices worldwide - and we're not even sure how often they're used.

We helped another customer transition to Teams Voice with a 90 percent headset model - a rollout for 20,000 users in just four weeks. That wouldn't have been possible five years ago - or even a year ago.

If your company has legacy handsets that are not yet fully depreciated, there is a SIP gateway solution to reuse them. It enables the core functionality of Teams Calling on older phone models. This is a great way to get the most out of the devices and reduce the capital cost of transitioning to Teams.

It's time to modernize your workplace with Microsoft Teams

No longer bound by traditional notions of space and time, we need to say goodbye to previous beliefs and take the leap to a modern workplace. To enable remote or hybrid working, your business needs modern, cloud-based communication and collaboration tools. Your employees need to be able to easily chat, schedule and hold meetings, call internal and external contacts, and work on shared files.

Outdated technology is holding you back. The time has come. The time is ripe.

We have spoken, but we would like to hear from you. Let's continue the conversation. Post a comment on this blog and let us know what topics are important to you (EX, meetings, hybrid workplace, etc.) and we'll do our best to give you some food for thought.


Modern Work
Post by Advellence
March 07, 2024