Microsoft recently released the results of a study on the way we work and found 7 trends that confirm a big shift is taking place in modern workplaces.

We can't blame you if you've grown tired of the never-ending barrage of articles about the pros and cons of working from home during COVID, but the latest talking point revolves around how best to return to the workplace. What does the modern workplace need to look like? What do employers need to do to use workplace trends to their advantage while keeping employee productivity and satisfaction at a high level?

The conclusion we draw is that the modern workplace must continue to offer much of the flexibility we have become accustomed to when working from home, without sacrificing employee productivity. Let's take a look at some of the background research that led us to this conclusion.

Conclusions of the Microsoft Workplace Survey

Microsoft surveyed more than 30,000 people to find out what workplace trends will shape our future as we return to offices around the globe. The survey revealed a clear consensus: the traditional 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday office work schedule is no longer expected. We're more flexible when it comes to when and where work gets done, and that's not going to change.

There were other conclusions, notably that many workers are psychologically exhausted by the stress and demands of the past year and that the home-based model has disadvantages, such as a lag in innovation due to smaller networks.

The Work Trend Index 2021 identifies seven key trends for leaders as they transition to hybrid work:

  1. Flexible work is a perennial favorite
  2. Managers have lost touch with their employees and need to be shaken up
  3. High productivity belies an exhausted workforce
  4. Generation Z is at risk and needs to be re-motivated
  5. Shrinking networks endanger innovation
  6. Authenticity will boost productivity and well-being
  7. Talent is everywhere in a hybrid world of work

Hybrid work: What does it take?

The above conclusions make it clear that flexibility in the workplace must be maintained.

"Worker expectations have changed for the better: More than 80 percent of executives expect more flexible work-from-home arrangements in the wake of the pandemic, and more than 70 percent of workers say they plan to take advantage of them."

The expectation is that employees will retain the ability to work from anywhere, at least some of the time. In this hybrid work model, some employees (but not all) will return to work. Employees will need to collaborate from multiple locations and continue to flex their workdays. Employers will also need to have a greater awareness of employee exhaustion and risk of burnout. In an ideal world, the hybrid workplace will be designed to maximize the productivity of employees collaborating from multiple locations.

Sufficient face-to-face interaction for managers to better understand (and do something about) the stresses on their teams.

Creating a better environment for innovation by giving employees the opportunity to socialize and build the networks they need to feel connected.

The modern workplace must keep pace with workplace trends when it comes to collaboration tools that enable employees to work together seamlessly in any location. Employers must leverage cloud-based solutions that enable a hybrid model of communication and collaboration. This is the only way they can continue to attract and retain top talent for the workplace of the future.

n the case of the Microsoft survey, they suggest:

  • Employers must ensure that workplace policies continue to allow for flexibility.
  • Employers need to update the modern workplace to allow employees to be social and collaborate; this is achieved through good workplace design.
  • Employers should ensure that Microsoft tools are used to their fullest extent to enable effective collaboration.
  • Furthermore, employers need to invest in both the physical space and the technology to make it all possible.

What can Advellence contribute to create an efficient modern workplace?

While most employers and employees welcome these changes, it's important to keep in mind that they will bring about a culture change for any company that hasn't known this kind of flexibility before.

Advellence can help make the transition seamless.

Advellence brings you the meeting management and resource planning platforms that increase meeting efficiency through advanced meeting room booking, meeting services, attendee management and workplace insights, helping organizations and employees manage meetings smarter. We empower people and organizations to manage meetings smarter. We help organizations increase meeting efficiency by eliminating unnecessary friction in meeting planning and scheduling.


Modern Work
Post by Advellence
March 07, 2024